1260 Nanaimo Lakes Rd., Nanaimo, BC
(250) 616-0233
Animals on this page are in our care and are waiting for their owners to contact us. If you see your missing pet on our facebook page, please call us at 250-616-0233. Deceased animals that have been picked up are also posted here. We keep deceased animals in our morgue for two weeks in case an owner would like to claim them.
The impound period is 72 hours. This period should allow the owner or their agent sufficient time to locate and claim their missing pet.
All animals are checked for identification tags, tattoos and microchips. Photos are posted in this section (below) as well as on our Facebook page.
Impounded animals can be claimed at the Pound by an owner or their agent. All fees, licences and veterinary costs incurred (if any) while the animal was impounded must be paid in full before the animal can be released.
Impounded animals can be claimed at the Pound from 9 - 5 Monday to Friday or 9 - 4 on Saturdays.
We accept cash, debit, and VISA.
Our goal is to reunite the animal with its lawful owner, however...
If an animal is not claimed the animal is usually made available for adoption. Its legal status changes from impoundment to adoption - we can then lawfully adopt the animal to a new owner.
If your animal has been missing for more than 72 hours, be sure to check the ADOPTION page to see if your animal has been moved into this category, or call us to check in.