1260 Nanaimo Lakes Rd., Nanaimo, BC
(250) 616-0233

The City of Nanaimo’s Animal Responsibility Bylaw has been introduced in order to improve welfare standards for all domestic animals, including cats, and to increase cat owner’s level of responsibility. The following sections outline the basic requirements that all cat owners in the City of Nanaimo must adhere to:
Every owner of a cat over the age of 12 weeks shall keep affixed sufficient identification
on the cat by means of a:
a) collar or harness with a tag that includes the owner’s current address and phone number;
b) ear tattoo that is legible and traceable through the veterinary office where the tattoo was done (usually at the time of spay or neuter); or
c) microchip that is registered and leads to the owner’s current address and phone number.
No person shall own, keep, possess or harbour any cat apparently over the age of 6 months in the City unless:
a) the cat is spayed or neutered; or
b) the person has a valid and subsisting business licence to breed cats.
No person shall keep more than 5 cats over the age of 12 weeks.
An exception is included for foster homes that are part of an animal rescue organization registered under the Societies Act, subject to notifying the Poundkeeper. By policy, excess cats owned in the City prior to September 21st, 2021 will be grandfathered in. Owners must have proof of ownership and residency dated before September 21st, 2021.
The owner of any animal, including a cat, must not allow the animal to trespass on any private property without the consent of the occupier of owner of the lands or premises.
The owner of any animal, including a cat, must not allow the animal to be in any public place unless the animal is under the direct control of a competent person.
The owner of any animal, including a cat, must ensure the animal is provided with suitable food, water, shelter, and veterinary care.
A person must not intentionally feed or leave food out for any feral cat, unless the person is registered with an approved organization with a trap-neuter-release program.
Welfare standards such as adequate food, water, shelter, and veterinary care also apply to cats.
These regulations are enforced on a complaint-driven basis, with education as the primary goal. However, if complaints persist, fines may be issued or the cat may be impounded. If you have any questions, please contact Nanaimo Animal Control Services at 250-616-0233.