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Feeding Wildlife

In the City of Nanaimo it is unlawful to feed deer or rabbits. Failure to comply can result in fines of $100 per day.


Nuisance Wildlife

Animal Control Officers do not respond to wildlife complaints. In order to deal with squirrels, raccoons, otter, mice, rats, or any other nuisance wildlife you can contact a wildlife removal service such as Island Wildlife Control (250) 591-9961.

Human / Wildlife Conflicts

If you observe dangerous wildlife (cougar, bear, wolf) in an urban area, please report the incident to BC Conservation at  1 (877) 952 7277 or call 911.


BC Conservation does not attend incidents such as complaints about nuisance wildlife or instances where conflict situations can be prevented through management techniques or by making adjustments to our daily behaviours. Nuisance encounters with wildlife include conflicts with racoons, squirrels, skunks, crows, geese, deer and other ungulates.


Injured Wildlife

The North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre accepts and treats sick, injured, and orphaned wild animals (native species). NIWRC cannot treat rabbits or raccoons.


If you observe injured wildlife in the Nanaimo area call the North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre in Errington and seek their advice before doing anything.


General information: 1 (250) 248-8534
Wildlife Emergency Contact (9:00 - 5:00 / 7 days a week): 1 (250) 927-6025


If the wild animal is in the following state or circumstance it may need assistance:

  • adult animal that can be easily captured

  • animal seriously favouring a leg or wing

  • animal sitting on a road & not moving for traffic

  • bleeding

  • having difficulty breathing or convulsing

  • a bird sitting with its feathers puffed-out and not moving for a long period

  • a bird running on the ground when others fly away


In most cases, leave baby animals alone!


Be concerned only if they appear to be emaciated or have obvious signs of injury.


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